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A student-run newsletter for the drastically different realities faced by animals locally and all around the world.

1 min read
Experts warn of biosecurity risk at bustling Bali Bird Market
In Bali, endangered wildlife is on open sale at markets.

1 min read
Pet lovers' dilemma amid Russia-Ukraine War; can't leave them behind, no matter what happens
Amidst the tragic invasion of Ukraine, animals have not been spared.

1 min read
Ukraine: how animals in Ukraine are being rescued in war
Ukraine - where do the animals go in times of war?

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Foie gras: 'Sickening' footage shows need for ban, activists say
The cruel practices in the behind-the-scenes of Foie Gras

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129 hamsters in S'pore surrendered in pet hoarding case, most lack proper care & separation
The Hamster Society Singapore (HSS) was overwhelmed after receiving 129 hamsters from a hoarding case.

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Over 60% of bird shops islandwide fail one or more basic welfare conditions: Acres
The neglect of birds in animal welfare discourse, and their devaluation as living things.

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1,200 alleged animal cruelty and abuse cases investigated each year since 2017
With the rise in animal cruelty and abuse cases in Singapore, the onus is on us to protect animals from abusers.

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Swiss to vote on becoming first country to ban animal testing
Switzerland has one of the world's strictest regulations on animal testing.

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Guidelines introduced for dog training, adoption
Here's a useful guide for those looking to adopt a dog!

1 min read
Rise in pet abandonment in past 5 years, half of the cases involve cats: MND
Are cats being devalued in our society?

1 min read
Dead puppies and kittens in crates reveal the dark side of China's mystery box craze
The mystery box trend - but with living breathing animals?
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